If you have a Franciscan vocation, you probably have a desire to do something more. Perhaps you feel a need for support in growing spiritually. Or, deep down, you sense a need to serve God in a special way. Or, for years, you have felt an affinity with St. Francis. He seems to pop up all around and you just don’t know why. Perhaps, God is calling you!
Getting to know the OFS better may be a way to determine if you have a vocation.

You’ll Have Plenty of time to get to know us before you make any commitment. The OFS requires three months of orientation and six months of inquiry. During that time, you’ll come to our monthly gatherings and have a few informal classes.
— OFS "Come & See" Tri-fold

The Rule and Constitutions might be a good place for you to begin your online inquiry. You might like to read more about St. Francis from numerous websites, including those found on the "Our Rule of Life" page. If your interested in the process of formation leading to Profession just click this link for more information on the  Pathway to Profession in the O.F.S.

If you're in The Greater Detroit area call or send us an e-mail

