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The Echo of St. Clare's Transitus: A Journey of Heart and Soul

"Gaze, consider, contemplate, imitate." In the secret spaces of our souls and amidst the heartbeats of our fraternity, a tale as ancient as it is ever new reverberates the story of St. Clare's Transitus. As August 10th unfolds, a date which to many might seem like any other, for us, the Secular Franciscan community, it vibrates with a sacred hum, marking the celestial voyage of St. Clare.

 These words, a whispered mantra, trace the very cadence of Clare's spirit, painting a portrait of her pilgrimage from mere existence to profound enlightenment.


To gaze is to drown oneself in the depths of what is seen. Clare did not merely see Christ; she gazed upon Him, losing herself and finding a universe of divine love. It beckons us to not just glance but to truly see - to witness the Godliness in our brethren, to recognize the sacred dance of joy and sorrow, to embrace each other with the same intensity as Clare embraced the vision of the divine.


Pondering deeper, St. Clare went beyond the superficial layers of life. She weighed her choices, embraced her destiny, and felt a divine pull towards a life echoing St. Francis's footsteps. As  fraternity, we pause and reflect, intertwining Clare's wisdom with our shared narrative, letting her echoes guide our shared journey.


In the sanctuary of silence, Clare found her most profound dialogues. Under the canopy of stars in Assisi, she danced in the divine embrace. Together, our fraternity finds strength in such contemplative silences. There are moments when our hearts synchronize, transcending words, and we touch the essence of divinity.


The essence of Clare's life was her imitation of Christ's boundless compassion. Her every act mirrored the Savior's grace, beckoning us to follow suit. In fraternity, we seek to walk in her shadow, making her legacy our own. Each kind deed, every comforting word, becomes a reflection of her, and through her, of Christ Himself.

The Transitus of St. Clare is not a mere remembrance; it's a symphony of love, sacrifice, and divine surrender. As the notes play, we are invited to lose ourselves and find our true purpose, dancing to the same rhythm that once moved the heart of St. Clare. As a Secular Franciscan Fraternity, on this day and always, let us journey together, gazing, considering, contemplating, and ever striving to imitate our beloved Clare's footsteps.

Wishing you God’s Peace
