Franciscan Funnies
It was Christmas time, so, Sister Rapheal asked her class to tell how they spent thier Christmas. Little Sarah raised her hand, and sister called on her........Sarah said, Christmas eve we all gather around and sing songs like "Silent Night" or "Jingle Bells". Then we go to bed early and when we wake in the morning, Santa has come and we open all our presents."
Then Joey raised his hand....."We all get to bed early on Christmas eve.....but we are too excited to fall asleep very early. Then, early in the morning we rise and Santa has already left all our toys. After we open them we sit around and sing songs like "Jingle Bells".....then we go to dinner at grandmas house.
That's when Ivan raised his hand............Sister Rapheal was puzzled : "Ivan, you are Jewish" !! "Yes" proclaimed Ivan...but we DO celebrate." "How asked Sister." "Well, said Ivan......on Christmas eve we all gather around because the maid has prepared a wonderful dinner.....after dinner, we get to bed early in anticipation of Christmas Day. Early in the morning the maid wakes us to find a fine breakfast prepared for us. Then we all jump into the limo that our chauffer has brought around and he drives us to our dads toy store and we look at all the empty shelves.........then it's off to the airport where we fly to Hawaii and all sit on the beach and sing songs like "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" !!!!!